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If you are new here,
We can't wait to meet you! Rest assure you are in good hands.

The Signature Haircut
The Tone and Treat
The Touch-up
Pick your package
The Refresh
The Maintain
The Transform
Start by getting familiar with which package fits your hair needs best.
These packages will help streamline the online booking process.
Each package include everything you need to achieve your dream hair, including a haircut or treatment and blowdry+style.
This is just a small sample of the services offered. Full list is on our booking app.
step one
Digital Consultation

step 2
Next, fill out the Digital Consultation Form below.
This is a REQUIREMENT for New Guests looking for a color package to ensure that you are booked for the correct amount of time.
Only need a haircut? No need to fill out the form, just jump to step 3.
We want to be able to customize your experience and serve you the best we can.
Once the form is submitted, head straight to step #3 to book your appoitment!
step 3
Book Your Appoitment
Digital Consult Form submitted?
You now have access to our online booking page where you can see what days and times we have available and request an appointment.
We are so excited to meet you and feel so blessed you chose us to help you reach your hair dreams.

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